The story of doctor dolittle

Miễn phí


The story of doctor dolittle


1 đánh giá

Tác giả

Hugh Lofting

Thể loại

Nhà xuất bản

Đang Cập Nhật

Gói cước

Miễn Phí

Chọn loại sách
Sách điện tử
Sách nói
Sách giấy
Chọn nội dung
Đầy đủ
Tóm tắt

John Doolittle is a kind-hearted country physician who keeps goldfish in his pond, rabbits in the pantry, white mice in a piano, and a hedgehog in the cellar. He also has an unusual gift: he can talk to animals — a talent that comes in handy, since he prefers treating animals, rather than humans, as his patients.
One day, a mysterious call summons him to Africa, where a serious epidemic has spread among the monkey population. Of course, the good doctor sets out immediately with some of his best friends — Jip, the dog, and Polynesia, the parrot, among others. Along the way, they’re joined by new acquaintances, including the pushmi-pullyu, a remarkable creature that has a head at both ends of its body.
"Any child who is not given the opportunity to make the acquaintance of this rotund, kindly, and enthusiastic doctor/naturalist and all of his animal friends will miss out on something important," said renowned primatologist Jane Goodall.
An entertaining classic that has charmed readers of all ages for generations, Hugh Lofting's timeless tale is accompanied by 27 of his own delightful illustrations.

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